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Partners & Members
Safeguards’ five association partners are:
Children's Mental Health (CMHO)
CMHO agencies list
Young Parent and Infant Mental Health Association of Ontario (YPIMH)
Community Living Ontario agencies list
Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth (OARTY)
OARTY agencies list
Association of Native Child and Family Services Agencies of Ontario (ANCFSAO)
ANCFSAO agencies list
The decision to create such a partnership in 1995 was ground-breaking and it has caused a positive ripple effect at both the provincial and local level. Collaboration amongst associations continues to increase on a number of fronts including: research, advocacy, policy development and conferences. Local training gives staff from various agencies the chance to meet in an informal manner and subsequently many local partnerships and shared resources have developed.
Safeguards grew from a training project to a permanent training program and incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in 2004 with full support from the association partners. Each association nominates two representatives to sit on the on Safeguards’ Board of Directors. These representatives ensure training meets the needs of their sector.
Those who are eligible for reduced member fees for training are the staff of agencies who are members of one of the five association partners (see above).
Members pay further reduced fees for training related to trauma and abuse based on funding provided by the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) and the Ontario Ministry of Community of Social Services (MCSS).